Lori Beard
Certified ACBC Counselor
I have been married for 36 years, am the mother of three daughters and Nana to six.
I am a believer of 48 years and counting.
I believe that the gospel of Jesus Christ is the only hope for mankind.
My theology is simply Jesus. Born to a virgin; lived a perfect life; died for the sins of man; and rose again victorious over death and sin. He is fully God and fully man and now reigns with his Father on high.
I am a lover of God’s people. I believe he seeks and saves the lost and he is continually changing us from glory to glory. I know that biblical counseling is a part of that process and am privileged to be allowed to work in a field where real hope meets real life.
I am available to counsel in person as well as virtually.
Please email or call for details and fees.